BCTCS 2021

Regular Talk
Graph Theory Complexity Algorithms

The Complexity of Acyclic, Star and Injective Colouring for H-Free Graphs

Siani A. Smith

on  Tue, 12:00 ! Live for  30min

Colouring is among the best known problems in computer science. One direction of study has been to consider the complexity of colouring for HH-free graphs, that is graphs which do not contain HH as an induced subgraph. A full dichotomy is known in the case where the number of available colours, kk, is part of the input whereas infinitely many open cases remain where kk is fixed. We study three variants of the colouring problem, acyclic, star and injective colouring. An acyclic colouring of a graph GG is a proper colouring in which the union of any two colour classes induces a forest. Similarly a star colouring of GG is a proper colouring in which the union of any two colour classes is P4P_4-free, in other words it induces a star forest. Finally, an injective colouring, also known as a distance 22 colouring or an L(1,1)L(1,1)-labelling, is a proper colouring in which the union of any two colour classes is P3P_3-free. In each case we combine new and known results to obtain a full complexity dichotomy where kk is fixed and classify all but at most finitely many graphs HH where kk is part of the input. In fact, for both star and injective colouring, we show that only one open case remains.

This is joint work with Jan Bok, Nikola Jedličková, Barnaby Martin and Daniël Paulusma.

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